Luteranos Brasil

In the Stream of German Blood

What occupies the minds of people in modern society as they try to find meaning, as they search for their place in the universe? To turn the question around: what is modern society being occupied with and which ‘meaningful’ task is given to it?
It is a matter of perspective, and associated with it are religious and political views and interests. 

Within the historical spectrum Martin Luther naturally comes to mind, undoubtedly a religious and political activist, rebel, monk, anti-Semite, and ‘bible translator’. 

Hope Germany’s report “Luther – the Source of Anti-Semitism in Germany” deals with Luther’s teaching and its impact on the present times. Further analyses lead to southern Brazil and unearth an obscure enclave of the Lutheran church which calls itself a “fruit  of the espousal of the gospel with the Germanic spirit” (Dreher, 1978). It remains unsaid which gospel is actually meant here. 

These procedures gain present-day relevance during a German-Brazilian partnership program of the Protestant Church of Bavaria (ELKB) and the Protestant Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil (EKLBB) in the 90s. We have been able to witness its detrimental effects and implications up to this present time.

by Christoph Schwarz, Attorney at Law
